Thursday, October 31, 2013


I apologize for not posting yesterday, but school is quite overwhelming as of late. I've been cramming for a few tests and finishing up projects- and my Dormmate is not helping.

as it is, expect something of a hiatus for two or three more days. I know this blog is young, and you are probably thinking that I don't deserve a hiatus at this time, but sometimes reality takes over and I have to re-prioritize my schedule and side projects. though socializing has never been a priority in my life, K has diverted my attention away from schoolwork.
My ADHD is not helping matters, unfortunately.

Until the ground stops moving under my feet,

-Pandora, Observer of the Unobserved

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hacking, Ghosts, and General Insanity

So aparantly S can hack into my laptop.
which is great, considering that half of the websites are blocked. and by half, I mean the good half. Youtube, tumblr, deviantart- those guys. but thanks to S, they may become permanently unlocked. he's a great hacker. for a ghost, I mean. a ghost who says he grew up about forty years before the digital age ever came around, and died around twenty years before it.
I wonder what else he can do. can he possess inanimate objects- like a puppet, for instance? or is he just limited to things that have an EM field (electromagnetic field, for those of you who don't get dragged into watching ghost hunting shows by your hyperactive dormmate.)

Jeffrey stopped visiting. I kinda miss him.

I don't! Like it isn't spooky enough around here, what with Halloween just around the corner.

Mom, you're a bitch.

Dementia, stop calling me mom.

you said to stop calling you mother. 'mom' isn't 'mother' now is it?

Same implications, Dementia. now go back to your hidey hole in the back of my mind.

to move forward on that EMF theory...

Possession theory

Because I need a theory on Supernatural Possession on here.

Ghosts may/may not require an EMF to possess a physical form- a human, for instance, or a spoon. (I'm not cruel- I won't try to have S possess a spoon. what if he can't get out again? and how would I know if he was in the spoon to begin with?). As Ghosts are a little-studied phenomena, I have planned a couple of experiments for S (If he's willing; if not, this dream of mine will go unfulfilled unless he finds another volunteer Ghost to fill his place- which I don't know if he can do, seeing as he reports that most Ghosts are pretty solitary, and from what I've heard, malevolent. I don't want that puppet to try to gouge my eyes out the moment it is fully possessed- that's not the goal of the experiment.), which I hope won't put him in any danger. as energy without a physical form, as a Ghost outside of K's body he can't be harmed by conventional means (Remember: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted into a different form.), but these experiments might be risky for him. I have no idea what I'm doing. S, if you're reading this, I want to say that whatever happens if you consent to this, I take full responsibility for it.

Reports conflict on the amount of control they may or may not have over inanimate objects; however, most reports, if not all, concerning human possession make it abundantly clear that very few benevolent Ghosts attempt to make a human a Host. Those who do, choose a human who's mental walls are broken down- possibly to avoid further psychological damage. Malevolent Ghosts, on the other hand, pretty much smash through a human's mental walls.

I came in like a wreeeeeaaaaking baaaaallll....!!


not sorry.

you should be!

and yet I'm not. toodles!


Anyway- if Satan had been a fully-fledged Ghost, he would have fit the Malevolent Ghost trope perfectly. S, who had been pretty much acting as K's filter and kicking out all of the Souls who would have screwed her up further, was unable to hold back the half assed assault that Satan made on K's mind in order to be granted entry.

I'm sorry to say this, S, but you make about as good a watchdog as Cerebrus. and he's gotten his ass kicked around so many times...

back on topic. Satan may not have been a Ghost, and may have lost any chance of becoming one (from what I can tell, even when they're possessing K their personalities and mental strength are still deteriorating, albeit much more slowly), but he still behaved like one. Despite S's assurances that Satan is not, in fact, a Ghost, the symptoms thereof appear to argue that assurance.

Satan is, unfortunately, uncannily strong in mind. he was able to completely possess K on a whim, just because he was bored- and keep up that possession for the rest of the day.

Poor K... if only I had the power, the knowledge necessary to save her. She's going insane because of this Soul.


not Soul.

There seems to be such a thing as a Demon.

that is what Satan is.

Monday, October 28, 2013

We Post This Together

(Note: Red is Dementia, Blue is me, purple is the both of us. I felt like posting a poem. we worked on it together, even though Dementia isn't a very poetic soul.)
With all that I've seen and all that I've done
My timelines are merging, becoming one.
I'm scared, I'm drowning, I can't even see
What's become her and what's still me.
This war, it seems, cannot be won.

Fantasy, reality, melt into confusion
all swirling together as part of my delusion.
I reach for the dark because the light makes me cry,
for it wrapped me in its wings and shaded my eyes-
Though not a friend; I continue in seclusion. 

I've dug too deep, I've gone too far,
We don't even know who we are!
We're rooted in hate under a food chain
that starts with misery and ends in pain,
giving survivors tell-tale scars. 

In the dark, all cats are grey-
Predators melt in the crowd of prey.
now you see me, now I don't-
sink or swim, I'd rather float-
at least I'd live another day.

 One kills with a glance.
One kills given the chance. 
One haunts you,
another flaunts you.
In the game, it's more a dance.  

Are you going to run? are you going to hide?
fueled by your stupid human pride?
We are but pawns displayed on the board
pulled around with the tug of a cord,
Controlled in both body and mind. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Creepypasta/ Fear theory

I've read quite a few blogs, and done a bit of side research in my spare time on the topic of physics and Creepypastas. I've come up with my own, semi-complicated theory to explain their 'power'. I give you permission to use it (I encourage you to use it as long as you credit me with the theory, and send me a link to your story, which I might be then in the mood to edit so you can understand the theory better).

The Theory

basically, The Fears and the Creepypastas both have their separate universes. some of the Fears are so influential on the cosmic scale that they've created their own dimension- Slendy has the Path, the Convocation the Bleak Shore, just to name the two I can think of off the top of my head (and then there's the City, which is in and of itself a completely different universe). These dimensions 'bumped' into ours, and fused in some areas. remember this- I'm not in my College's offered physics class, so bear with me here. I'm taking a little artistic license here.

No S**t. 

Shut up Dementia. let me work.
These Universes have become stuck to ours, in a sense, and their denizens are fueled by our Chaos. our entropy levels, if you will, make them stronger. Say, Slendy decides that he's going to burn down a neighborhood. a few Runners and/or people who knew what he was lived in that neighborhood when it burned down, and so to add insult to injury, he would have his proxies spray paint the operator symbol all over the place. just to drive home the fact that it was Him who did it, not some freak accident. not only would panic, chaos, death, destruction, and overall mayhem ensue, but the Runners/ Knowledge sponges would, in a way, spread the word that He had been behind it. which would spread belief of him and strengthen him through the Tulpa effect as well as through the Chaos. Fun.

for another example, let's use Jeff. (Though this would be a bad example- his rabid/ mentally retarded fangirls would probably tone down the chaos a bit. just a bit...) Say he decides on a whim to terrorize a college dormitory. (like mine, for example. we've got quite a few parties going on here at the moment.) He shows up, screws around, makes a few corpses, and causes general mayhem, which would only increase his strength and power. He'd be getting high not only off of the rush of killing people, but the rush of power that it subsequently caused.

Jeff loved doing that. Though college dorms weren't really his place to hang out. 

Yes, thank you Dementia for giving us that little tidbit.

Speaking of 'Pastas...

That guy was back. And he looked an awful lot like Jeff. I swear it's him. 

It's not Jeff, Dementia. don't get your hopes up.

but what if it is...?

Then I'm screwed even if I do start to sleep with my favorite Desert Eagle underneath my pillow, safety off and magazine fully loaded with bullets. and a baseball bat to boot. My dormmate doesn't really enjoy the fact that I'm so paranoid, but since she usually stumbles back here either drunk or with a hangover, she's never much in a mood to complain.

Oh, that brings me to theory #2-

They can't fucking die.

Yes, I uncensored that for a reason. I've got a sailor's tongue, but that cuss seemed necessary.

Basically, if they're drawing their very power from our entropy levels, then they can't die. because we as a species (and the earth as a complete system) are usually in complete turmoil, always looking for something to blow each other up over or revolt over. As it is, that energy sustains them, and keeps them going. it also explains why almost nothing seems to work against Slendy- he's got nothing to fear from us, because he can't die. He's just a little camera shy, and must have a thing against being caught in the act. or maybe that's an act, to spread around the Operator symbol, something that immediately brings him to mind and spreads belief in him.
as I can attest to. someone decided it would be funny to decorate one of the campus corridors with the Operator Symbol after seeing it underneath my dormroom window. It wasn't against the rules- we'd been decorating the campus for Halloween, but still... I freaked.

A few others freaked out worse than she did. I think they're Runners.

How many times must I tell you Dementia... these theories are for creatures that don't even exist! You lot don't exist! Jeff doesn't exist! Slendy doesn't exist!

You've got a lot to learn about the universe you live in, Mother. 

don't call me that! it makes me feel old.


f**k you. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013


I saw someone outside my window.
He looked like Jeffrey.
It probably wasn't Jeff the Killer. just some drunk who thought it would be funny to dress up as him and terrorize the poor girl with the operator symbol underneath her window. 
It was definitely Jeffrey. 
you're going to be very disappointed, Dementia. 
It's not Jeff. Jeff doesn't exist. 
You're in for a shocker, mother. 
F**k off, Dementia. 
Never. This is too much fun. It's been a while since I beat up Jeffrey. I wonder where Jack is. 
Jack isn't here! Jeff isn't here! They're fictional! Just like the Slender Man! 
But you believe in Ghosts, and Souls-
There's a very scientific explanation for their existence. but Creepypastas and Entities/Fears? what are you going to say next, that fairy princesses exist too?   
... point taken. but still! just because you can't explain it, doesn't mean they don't exist!
Yes it does. Physics and Science explain every single phenomenon that goes on in the world. but they do not allow for Fears and Creepypastas. it's just not possible.      

Where was I... oh yeah, my next lesson. 
I've covered the Afterlife, in a way. 
according to S, Atheists have a higher chance of becoming Ghosts, since they reject the possibility of something after this life, outside of this universe. How... charming. 
well, there are a few upsides to being a Ghost. for one thing, you can watch people shower, and they won't even realize you're there. for another, you can't die again. 
but it seems to be awfully lonely. and I kind of like being around people- people I can talk to, that is.  
Most people seem to move onto these other Universes (Heaven and Hell, aparrantly) and don't really come back unless they want to. 
if what S says is true, however, that means that our universe is constantly losing energy, from the deaths of people (and other sentient beings- it's a big f**king universe, people). Which defeats the theory that our universe is a semi-isolated system. 
but do you know what that means? our entropy levels won't continue to increase. because in an isolated system, the chaos factor increases over time, whereas in non-isolated systems, it stays relatively constant.  
But that would mean... 
That's a separate theory for a separate universe that only exists in my head and in the minds of those whom I've lectured. a 'headcanon' if you please. For the Creepypastas, and to a certain extent the Fears/Entities (I've heard them called either one).  
I might post that one next, if I feel the need. you few people aren't here to be lectured on something that you may not even know that much about, but I feel the sudden urge to get it out. 
Compulsion. you're being stalked by the Skinny White Douchebag. Only natural.
...Charming nickname for him, Dementia.  

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fighting for power

Well hello. 
Oh, I'm sorry. Were you expecting someone? 
I'll get her here right away. 
Gee, thanks Dementia.
hello. I'm back. sorry to keep you all waiting. I have school, you know. College life is the fast life- or slow, if all you do is study. which I personally don't, though I devote a great deal more time to it than my roommate. Who is currently out getting drunk, high, f**ked, you name it.
at least I have K. She's almost everything to me. Especially since the relationship between me and my parents is... not so good.
You're understating things.
F**k off Dementia. I don't need you critiquing the way I live my life. 
Well, I have no problem divulging his real (first) name. and showing you all just how punny my nickname for him is. 
as in, Lucifer. 
I'm no Christian, but I know the name of the Devil. 
To clarify things, Lucius (his real name) is a derivative from Lucifer. 
His parents mustn't have been in a good mood when they named him. 
Lucius grew up in a... not so happy home. His biological father left when he was too young to remember, and his stepfather was an abusive son of a s**t. 
And I don't just mean beating. 
According to S, Lucius was brutally raped when he was a kid. which is why he decided to take a knife to his dad and kill him. 
when he was seven
he then set up the scene to appear as though it was a brutal robbery. it worked; he was never charged for the crime. 
later on, when he was in high school, he had a brief dalliance with a girl. she ended up pregnant, and told him she was leaving him because of it. 
so he killed her. right there and then. by stabbing her in the stomach. 
he made it look like a suicide before breaking down into tears over her. which must have convinced his mother, who walked in on the scene. 
he was never charged for that crime, either. 
and you know what scares me?
His girlfriend was a redhead. like me. 
Later on, he would become friends with two other boys. 
that's when the raping started. 
he would befriend a girl at school. he would invite them over to his house when he had gained their trust. 
he would then have them kidnapped by his two cohorts. he would do all sorts of things so that she would not be able to realize their identities- they wore masks and never talked. she was also blindfolded. 
then Lucius would come in, and rape her. he never talked, and he never showed his face. 
after a while, he would come and 'rescue' her. which not only got her home, and got her to shut up, but increased her trust for him. 
after several recurring incidents like this, she would figure it out. she would put two and two together. 
and then he would kill her. after all...
nobody likes tripping over loose ends.
Thank you for putting it so eloquently, Dementia. 
by the way, her real name is
Don't you fucking dare!
I swear, if we didn't share a body...
Oh hush. It's not like you'd kill me anyway. you're too much of a wimp. 
You're talking to a serial killer here.
Only in fiction. here you're just a big talker. now shut up so I can get back to enlightening all who read this. 
anyway, as Lucius did his utmost to befriend, exploit, and murder his victims without getting caught, this lands him firmly in the Mask category. he even immediately killed a girl who heard his voice when he was in the middle of raping her. you can't exactly get more cautious than that. Dead Women Don't Talk and all that.
Soon enough, the second partner started blackmailing the other two. so Lucius and his first partner went ahead and shut him up for good. which would be nice and all except that soon after, Lucius decided to go after the first partner's ex girlfriend. who he still loved. 
so of course his buddy turned around and knifed him in the heart. 
No word on the body from the cops. the news is being all hushed up too, which can mean one of two things- either his partner is just as good as Lucius is at covering his tracks, or for some reason the reporters, the feds, the cops, you name them, are all keeping it classified. 
Oh, and some idiot decided it would be funny to paint an Operator symbol on the outside of the dormitories. the idiot got arrested after his face was caught on camera and he was expelled, but the Symbol is still there. 
and it's right under my dorm. 
might as well just paint a big red target on my back and run around campus screaming "Come and get me Slender F**ker!". 
Hmmm... I wonder what results that experiment would yield. 
Oh, by the way-
The Fourth Wall Shall Not Protect You.         

Thursday, October 24, 2013

I'm Back

I won't keep you long.
K (my friend, the one with all of the people in her head) recently absorbed a new person.
Normally, this wouldn't be an issue.
But S warns me that this is, in fact, an Issue.
So much so that it deserves a capital I.
S is a full-blown Ghost. he cannot move on to either of the dimensions that have attached themselves to our own (let's call them 'heaven' and 'hell', shall we, just to simplify things) nor can his energy be recycled while in this dimension. the only thing about him that seems to have deteriorated over time are his memories.
Souls, on the other hand, deteriorate rapidly after the death of the body. Without the willpower to resist, they are either recycled (reincarnated, for you Buddhists and Hindus) or pulled towards one of the alternate dimensions to remain preserved in their current form.
Some Souls, however, decide to stick around a while longer than they should, which puts them on the fence- are they Ghosts? Or Souls? Not even they can decide. that's where K comes in.
She shines like a beacon to them. Her mind is fragile, and when she's having a breakdown or going through trauma, the usual walls that prevent Souls from inhabiting a living body fall down, allowing them in.
But the newbie- let's call him Satan, since I feel punny today- didn't need to go through all that. Nor did he go through S's filter, which usually kicks out Souls like him.
Souls like him, you ask?
Satan's a serial killer.
he died not even a week ago, when his partner in crime turned on him.
thing is, that means there's another serial killer on the loose. In my area, no less.
my life just go so much more interesting. I went from researching long dead serial killers, to fictional ones (Hello, Jeff- no, I'm not f**king tired, go put someone else to sleep), to hunting an actual one, who's still loose.
Satan's unusually strong-willed. and plus, Dementia doesn't like him. Because Serial Killers don't share territory- it's like two farmers sharing sheep. that s**t don't fly, to use inarticulate slang.
Dementia considers herself a Predator.
let me explain.
In her view, there are two types of people in the world, who are further divided into four subcategories- two for each type.
There are Predators. She's one of them. Satan is another.
Then there are Prey. I'm one of them. K is another. S would be considered one if he was still alive (he's a sweet guy- he's the Ghost who cured my fear of the paranormal). Most people who go about their daily lives fall under this category.
The two types of Predators are as follows-
1) Masks- these Predators make themselves out to be your friend. then they exploit you, take all your money, your attention, your energy, and maybe even your life. Satan is considered one of these, for reasons I'll elaborate on in my next post.
2) Knives- these Predators just don't give a s**t whether or not they get caught. they're having fun, after all. they think themselves unstoppable- and because of this, they're messy. they leave trails. and the police find them. but for that brief time that they're running loose, they are the greatest menace to society.

a psychologist would say that Masks are Sociopaths, Knives Psychopaths.
they would be correct.

Prey subcategories are as follows-
1) Blind Sheep- going about their daily lives, these Prey don't concern themselves with the thought of dying. they've got a report to fill, a wife to care for, and a daughter to send off to college, after all- there's no time to worry about somebody who may be their one-way ticket to the afterlife. Most ignorant people or those who are more pressed for time than I am fall under this category.
2) Fighters- They don't like being Prey, but they despise Predators. Dementia thinks they're cute, fighting against their fate. I think they're admirable- even though their fate was sealed the moment they displayed empathy, they do everything they can to avoid succumbing to it. Those familiar with the Slenderman Mythos and the subsequent Fear Mythos would know these people as Runners.

More tomorrow, if I can find the time to write a post.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Establishing Character Moment

It's a crazy world out there.

Let me introduce myself. I am known on the Internet as Pandora. That is, quite obviously, an alias- but I prefer it that way. It gives the Illusion of anonymity, at least. though I know many of you out there are clever enough to figure out my true Identity.
let me explain one thing real quick, before I set to work.
there will be two people on here.
One will be Me.
The other will be Me.
Confused yet? don't be. The other me is Dementia. don't mind her- she's harmless.
and by harmless I mean she isn't going to stalk any of you. just, you know, observe and possibly terminate. nothing too horrible.
A lot of what I post on here will be very controversial. I trust my sources, and my theories. they (mostly) line up with our current understanding of physics, as well as adding a... spiritual element, I suppose you could call it. I will firstly explore my theories concerning the afterlife... and I have a very unique reason to do so.
My best friend (or girlfriend, we're in that ambiguous zone) has a disorder that until recently was classified as MPD (has since changed to DID- dissociative personality disorder). however, her case seems to be special. why, you may ask?
Those personalities weren't hers. they're the personalities of people who have died.
I'm not saying they're ghosts. (Okay, one of them fully admits to being one). They're something in between Ghost and dissipated, recycled energy- clinging to sentience and memory, but gradually degrading.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed. only converted. this is the center of the theories. the rest, I must say, gets complex. which is why I've started a blog about it.
Let me get something perfectly clear before I continue- I am Atheist. I do not believe in God, or Allah, or Buddha, or Vishnu, or whoever holy Deity you've decided to worship. much of my theory comes from the Ghost, who I will simply refer to as S, as he knows firsthand what the afterlife is like.
Later on this blog will earn its title. but for now, I'm laying the groundwork.
good night.
Don't let the souls come and bite.